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Pemberton Soccer Club

Pemberton Soccer Club

Parent Information


P.O. BOX 190, Browns Mills, NJ 08015


Parent/Spectator Agreement


Participation in the Pemberton Soccer Club (PSC) should be a privilege and be looked at by coaches, athletes and parents as such.  Each member of PSC should exhibit good sportsmanship in their actions at all times on and off the field.  It is the mission of PSC to provide a community based soccer club where kids can excel at the game of soccer, learn about the strength of team unity and have the freedom to experience and grow from other sports and activities throughout the year. It is important that each player and parent understand the rules and policies that guide our Club. 


Expectations from Parents:


Let the coach’s coach: Please leave the coaching to the coaches.  This includes motivating, after game critiquing and setting goals, etc.  You have entrusted the care of your player to the coaches and they need to be free to do their job.  If the player has too many ‘coaches’, it can be distracting and the players performance usually declines. We insist there be no shouting instructions/coaching your child from the sidelines.  Your vocal support and positive encouragement are welcome.


Support the program:  Get involved and volunteer.  We are a community base volunteer program and there are many ways to assist and become involved (field clean ups, asst. coaching, board members, etc.  Support your child and be their biggest fan.  Support and root for all the players on the team.  


Understand and practice appropriate game behavior:  Parents and supporters are encouraged to cheer and support the players and team through praise and most importantly, in a positive manner.  Research shows that when parents and teachers work together, a child tends to do better in school.  The same applies in a soccer-learning environment and we want this to be true with your child's experience at PSC.  Please recognize the commitment the coach has made to your child and their team.  Negative comments or body language directed towards the play, player, or team are unacceptable.  Please refrain from making comments directed toward the opponent and/or referees.  Please allow for ALL of the coaching towards PSC players to come only from the PSC coaching staff.  Do not give your child and/or their teammates instructions.  


The Referee:  Respect officials and accept their decisions. Familiarize yourself with the Laws of the Game. Parents and players should not address or speak with a referee before, during or after the game in any way.  Do not question an official's call, accept that bad calls happen and move on.  The coach will handle any player safety issues.




Expectations for Players:

1. Play the game for the games sake, and not just to please my parents or coaches.

2. Be modest and generous when I win and gracious when I lose.

3. Respect the game of soccer and its laws.  Learn these laws and try to follow the, and play the game fairly.

4. Work for the good of my team and give my best effort at all times.

5. Show respect for the authority of the referee, even though I will sometimes disagree with their calls.

6. Show good sportsmanship before, during and after games.  I understand that soccer is a game and that the players on the other team are my opponents, not my enemies.

7. Conduct myself with honor, dignity and treat other players as I would like to be treated.

8. Help my parents and fans understand the laws of the game so they can watch and enjoy the game better. I will be sure they understand that dissent is not permitted in competitive soccer clubs.

9. Control my temper and not retaliate, even if I believe I have been wronged.

10. Not use or possess tobacco, alcohol, or illegal or performance-enhancing drugs.


24 Hour Rule

To all coaches and Members of the Pemberton Soccer Club: PSC subscribes to the following "24 Hour Rule" policy with regard to the reporting of a complaint or issue of concern. 

1. There shall be no direct contact with any member of the coaching staff regarding a complaint or issue of concern (whether it is about a coach or players' conduct, language, playing time, position played, etc...) before, during or after an event for a 24 hour period following the occurrence of an issue of concern.

2. Should there still be an issue of concern after the 24 hour period has passed, the parent shall contact the team manager and schedule a meeting which shall be documented and attended by the Manager and Coaching staff. The meeting shall be confidential and should the Coaching staff feel the Manager's attendance improper, they shall utilize the Assistant Coach to document the meeting.  The report of the meeting shall be provided to the PSC Board for future reference should the need arise.

3. Should satisfaction not be accomplished via the meeting, the VP of your league should be contacted (Rec. VP, Girls or Boys VP) or at least 1 member of the PSC Board shall be notified and meet with the parties.

4. Should the matter be unresolved after the Coach and PSC VP's meeting, a member of the PSC Board of Directors shall be notified and will determine if the matter should be referred to the Full Board of Directors, as may be appropriate based on the nature of the concern expressed.  

In cases where immediate action is required, please contact either the board or the PSC President as soon as possible.


Parent/Spectator Information


Absolutely No Animals of any kind are permitted on the Pemberton High School fields at any time. There will be no exceptions.

Absolutely No Smoking, vaping or E-Cigarettes on the fields.  This is a district wide rule that we must enforce.

Stay off the High School Varsity Field.

If a coach is having a problem with a parent or spectator at the field, they will ask that person to refrain from the behavior. If the person continues to disrupt the game, the coach will ask them to leave the field.  If this goes on or if the person refuses to leave the field, the coach will have no choice but to remove the player that the person is connected to from the field, until the situation is corrected. This standard must also be maintained by all siblings, guests and relatives that attend any game, practice or club function in support of your child.  


The consequences for violations of this agreement are at the sole discretion of the club, but include:

·         Fines

·         Individual Suspension of increasing time periods

·         Family suspension of increasing time periods

·         Individual indefinite suspension

·         Family indefinite suspension

·         Individual permanent ban

·         Family permanent ban


If a parent and/or spectator receives a card from a referee which includes a fine or if the coach receives a card due to the parent and/or spectator conduct, the parent and/or spectator that is responsible for receiving the card and fine will be required to pay the fine total amount back to the Pemberton Soccer Club IMMEDIATELY or the player will not be permitted to play and the spectator is not permitted at the fields.  At the discretion of the PSC Board Members additional penalties maybe assessed to the responsible party or parties receiving the fine.  


If your child is prohibited from playing due to your conduct- No refund will be issued- No Exceptions!!!! 

Absolutely No Refunds after coaches receive the rosters.


Parent/ Spectator Information

Please note that upon registering, you agreed to the following:

Absolutely NO ANIMALS of any kind are permitted on the Pemberton High School fields at any time. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.

Absolutely NO SMOKING, VAPING, or E-CIGARETTES on the fields. This is a district wide rule that we must enforce.

Stay off the high schools varsity field.

 If a coach is having a problem with a parent or spectator at the field, he/she will ask that person to refrain from the behavior.

 If the person continues to disrupt the game, the coach will ask him/her to leave the field.

If this goes on or if the person refuses to leave the field, the coach will have no choice but to remove the player that that person is connected to from the field, until the situation is corrected.

This standard must also be maintained by all siblings, guests and relatives that attend any game, practice, or club function in support of your child.

When a coach or player is ejected from a traveling team’s soccer game, the club has to pay a fine covering the ejected coach or player.  The coach or player may also be suspended for one or two additional games, and the club develops a reputation of UN-sportsman-like conduct.

If a parent and/or spectator receives a card from a referee which includes a fine or if the coach receives a card due to the parent and/or spectator conduct the parent and/or spectator that is responsible for receiving the card and fine will be required to pay the fine total amount back to the Pemberton Soccer Club IMMEDIATELY.

At the discretion of PSC Board Members additional penalties maybe assessed to the responsible party or parties receiving the fine.


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